The teachers do regular recordkeeping and observations of a child’s daily work. Through this recordkeeping the daily planning is done by the teacher to assist the child with daily work choices. This is guided by a combined curriculum, year plans and term plans.

The children’s progress is monitored by daily observations by the teachers and the recording thereof.

Children who are struggling to find purposeful work are carefully observed and monitored and clearly guided to be intrinsically motivated. The teachers continue to encourage; to find strengths and to present to children. Children may and can rest during their work cycle.

If a child is not interested in an area of learning, how are they encouraged?

The teacher tries to present that work in another way or through another area of learning or through the child’s own interests and strengths.

Progress is tracked through observations of the children working or the completed work. This is then recorded. Colleagues regularly collaborate around child development and progress.

Through regular recordkeeping of each child. There is a set curriculum in place which is holistic and inclusive of social and emotional development.

During the work cycle, the child has the freedom to move between indoor and outdoor learning areas. The whole school timetable determines when each section of the school has access and time in the central main free play area.

Prescribed workbooks are used to supplement the learning of first and second additional languages. Carefully chosen resource books are also available to the children.

There are computers for the children in the JP section of the school. One for word processing, PPP and other work; and one is for the internet and research. There are no devices in the PP. In the Senior section there is a greater use of devices and laptops.

The Lead Teacher (with the input from assistants) monitor, record keep and plan for their own register class. Non-register and specialist teachers, who work with a child are also responsible for and able to record on that child’s records.

The children will work with their Lead teacher who will guide their day. This work is done amongst all three age groups. Sometimes a group of children of the same age from both classes will be called for a group presentation. Occasionally a mixed aged group will complete a differentiated task or activity together. This minimises the chance of a child always working with the same child or group of children.

Any purposeful activity is encouraged and the activity is not disturbed until the child is done with their chosen activity. They will then be presented with a guided choice for their next activity, which could relate to what they have just read.

For the reading child a central board can be used as a guide for the children. The activities on the board could change daily but some activities may take longer and be on the board for a few weeks or the term.

The children choose when they need a snack and monitor their own snack time. Some children need a reminder to eat their snack. The children choose a length of time to eat and can use a timer to guide them. There are a specific number of seats available for snack and therefore, in consideration for their peers, they learn to manage their time.

The children are supported and encouraged through conversations, role modelling, discussions and debates to minimise conflict. Through conflict the children learn and begin to understand injustice, disappointment and unfairness. These can be difficult concepts but the children are well supported by peers and adults to comprehend and deal with these ideas.

The Montessori teacher is keenly aware that the classroom is the children’s Prepared Environment and the adults are the custodians of that space. There is always a consistent application of all Grace and Courtesies around Care of Self and others.

Snack is taken by the children when they are hungry. They are encouraged to sit and eat their food wherever they are.

Yes there is, besides the freedom to move while learning and working some children take movement breaks.

The children journal in the mornings to plan their day and then conference with their teachers at the end of their day. This takes on different forms depending on the age and needs of the individual child. The cycle is also 3 years long.

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from 3 to 12 years