Tribute to Founding Principal – Sally Hall
“Life is a gift, and I try to respond with grace and courtesy” – Maya Angelou
Truer words could not be said of how Sally chose to live her life. She sought a life of simplicity and was deeply connected to the earth and sustainability. These qualities permeated through Auburn House School.
She impacted the Montessori community in a most profound manner – never imposing, but always gently guiding.
Her deep respect and love for the children was shown in the simplest of details, from examining a tiny caterpillar to telling exciting stories of the universe.
Every adult and child felt listened to, valued and encouraged in her presence.
Sally – teacher, mentor, colleague, friend, and who was dearly loved by many.
Thank you for the lasting legacy that you have given so generously.
Thank you to the School of Philosophy – Cape Town for producing the Sally Tribute Book.